Be the hands and feet of Christ
Be the hands and feet of Christ -
From Survivors to Responders
We are seeking Pastors to help us coordinate activities by becoming a Point of Distribution, a local resource center, or a supply host when a disaster strikes in their state. We can also coordinate activities across state lines, allowing states to pool resources, and benefit their neighboring states.
ROA will connect our state partners to resources, training, and information that will prepare them for necessary action. We seek to prepare good Samaritans with the information to become more effective in their service.
We provide an outlet for secular experience and expertise to be applied to the larger community through our communication channels. Contact us for details!
We currently have two active regional representatives. Our mission is to have every region represented by a church, leader, or organization that says yes to God’s call to help organize disaster relief in their area.
A regional representative is a Captain of 100 with excellent leadership skills, a passion for responding to their community, an ability to unite several churches and organizations, and a heart to serve. A regional representative coordinates with superintendents and pastors to coordinate help in a regional disaster.
Contact us if you feel interested; we would love to tell you more. Training and preparation are given at orientation.
Together in Community Prayer
Heavenly Father, be with my community. Help us come together to work to rebuild our city after this natural disaster. God, we are all hurting and mourning all who were lost. Give us the strength to work through the emotional hardships and to support one another through them. Lord, be with us and help us rebuild our lives and sense of peace. Thank You, God, for keeping us safe. Amen.
Secure in God before Natural Disaster Prayer
Lord Jesus, when the winds pick up, and all looks hopeless, I will continue to trust in You. I will not waiver in my faith when it feels like destruction will win. When everyone panics around me, I will feel secure knowing that You are God. Lord, I will pray to You instead of drowning in my own fear. There is no natural disaster that is more powerful than You. Protect us, Lord, give us Your courage. Amen.
Gratitude and Hurt Prayer
Compassionate Father, thank You for keeping us safe through this natural disaster. I am in a strange place where I am so grateful for my life and safety but also hurting for those who did not survive. How do I reconcile these things? Please help me be present for those who need support right now and help me find the support I need to rebuild my home and life. Please keep us all safe from future harm. Amen.
Prayer for Those Who Mourn
All-powerful Father, as I see the destruction caused by this natural disaster, I mourn for all that has been lost and the fragility of this life. Lord, please be with those who lost somebody they love. Give them comfort. Lord, be with those who lost their home. Give them the necessary funds and assistance they need to rebuild. Lord, be with those whose jobs are to clean up the mess left behind by this disaster. Give them the endurance and strength they need to complete their responsibilities. God, let us unite as one body in You in this challenging hard time. Amen.
Prayer for the Government
Father, please be with the government officials and those in charge of the aftermath of this natural disaster. Please give them the wisdom they need to best move forward and create unity among the people. So much has been destroyed, God. Help them know what to do to help us rebuild. Help them know how to encourage generosity in this time of loss and help them bring us together. Amen.
Mourning and Rejoicing Prayer
Most Holy God, let us mourn with those who mourn and rejoice with those who rejoice. This is a time of mourning and rejoicing as we are safe, but many were not as fortunate. Help us know how to be grateful to You for our protection, but help us to also know how to mourn with those who have lost somebody. Give us understanding when others rejoice while we mourn, and patience while they mourn when we rejoice. Give us the wisdom to know how to do this, and to join in and comfort or praise. Amen.
Ease Our Fears about Predicted Natural Disaster Prayer
Loving God, please protect my family from harm’s way as this natural disaster approaches. We have taken the necessary precautions, but we are scared. I ask that You be with us and ease our fears. Help us trust in You and know that You are in control. God, my life, home, and world are in Your hands. Let that be enough to comfort me. Be with us, God. We need You. Amen.
Assistance Prayer
Everlasting Lord, I pray that there be a way for all to access the assistance and help they need to deal with the aftermath of this natural disaster. Whether they need financial, medical, mental, or emotional assistance, God, makes a way for these things to be accessible. No one expected this, and we were not prepared. As so many people face many hardships to rebuild their lives, please God, help ease those difficulties and any lingering fears and sadness. Amen.
God’s Peace and Comfort for Others Prayer
Jesus, I pray for all those affected by natural disasters. I cannot imagine the hurt, sadness, and anger that must come from losing homes, friends, and livelihoods in such a way. Father, I ask that You give peace to all those who are hurting and wondering how they are going to make it through this. Please be their comfort and strength. Help all of us who were not affected to step up in supporting and loving those who need it most. Thank You, God, for Your goodness even in terrible times. Amen.
God Is in Control Prayer
Heavenly Father, this natural disaster was terrifying and destructive. So much was lost and so many were harmed. It is so hard to see the why and the good in this. God, help me continue to trust in You during this challenging time. Let me not waver from You or doubt Your goodness. Even through this, You are God and good and in control. Help me remember that and live accordingly. Amen.
Trust in God before Natural Disaster Prayer
Gracious Father, I ask that You be present with my community in the coming days. There is talk of a natural disaster and fear is already circulating. God, help us take the necessary precautions and have peace. Let generosity grow from this fear instead of selfishness. Give us Your protection and let us trust in You alone. You, God, are in control. Amen.
Preparation for Natural Disaster Prayer
God, the coming natural disaster is a test of my trust in You. Help me be prepared but not over-prepare. God, help me trust that You will care for me and provide all I need. God, You lead me by still pastures and even in the valley of the shadow of death, God, You are present. Help me know this as fear escalates. In the end, You are God, which matters most. Amen.
Prayer for Wisdom before Natural Disaster
Almighty and Everlasting God, I pray that You grant wisdom to those in charge and all in the community as a natural disaster approaches. Help the leaders know how to prepare without causing unnecessary fear. Help people be wise and humbled to listen to the guidance and take it seriously. Help people not put themselves or others in danger by writing off the possibilities of natural disasters. Lord, I pray that You give us Your protection and let as little destruction as possible. Amen.
Thank God for Community Support Prayer
Loving Savior, I want to thank You for Your goodness. Despite all of the chaos and disaster around us, I have been so blessed and cared for by friends and strangers. Jesus, thank You for the way that my community has come together to support one another. Even through grief, shock, confusion, and mourning, God, You are still good, and I will still praise You. Thank You for Your overall protection and help us all get through this challenging time. Amen.
Fix My Eyes Prayer
Jesus, as I pass through the destruction that has overtaken my home and city, all seems surreal. This looks like something I see on TV—not something that would happen to me. Give me the strength to fix my eyes on You in this challenging time. Help me love my neighbor as You would love them. Humble me so that I graciously accept the love of my neighbor as well. Give us the power to rebuild and trust in You for the future. God, this is so shocking to us but not to You. Give us Your comfort and peace. Amen.
We are receiving trucks from Feed the Children, and we need your help! Each semi-truck load is filled with thousands of pounds of essential aid, that needs to be sorted and distributed throughout the city. Please contact us through our Facebook Page or our Contact Page if you want to participate.
Supplies will be needed for the recovery effort. Churches can begin collecting supplies, but be prepared to hold them until the affected areas accept them. Click HERE for a complete list of supplies to collect if you plan on hosting a supply drive. We will provide more information about supply distribution as it becomes available.
We need help getting the word out on how people can partner with us and do their part to make a difference. Share our new website, share images or posts from our Facebook Page, and help us spread the word about what ROA is doing to rebuild, bring aid, help restore, and bring hope to those in need.
Your company may provide matching donations; sign up and multiply your donations today. Maybe you want to financially partner as an individual or lead your church in a fundraiser to help us reach out. Give HERE!
Disaster Clean Up - Muck & Gut
Mold Remediation
Case Management
Volunteer Coordination or Supervision
Donation and Warehouse Management
Repair and Rebuild
Emotional and Spiritual Care
Technology Support
Search and Rescue
EOC Support
Emergency Assistance
Data Collection
Animal Services
Damage Assessments
Debris Removal
Chain saw teams
Drone/UAV Operation
Disaster Child Care
Supplies - Equipment (i.e. clean up kits)
And more!
The Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) program educates volunteers about disaster preparedness for the hazards that may impact their area and trains them in basic disaster response skills, such as fire safety, light search and rescue, team organization, and disaster medical operations. CERT offers a consistent, nationwide approach to volunteer training and organization that professional responders can rely on during a disaster situation.
Search for a program, register your group, and stay connected in your neighborhood! Register, join or login. Find your local CERT
Knowing what is needed, where it is needed, and getting it there at the right time is the key. Critical needs change rapidly.
Financial contributions to recognized disaster relief organizations are the fastest, most flexible, and most effective method of donating. Organizations on the ground know what items and quantities are needed, often buy in bulk with discounts, and, if possible, purchase goods or services through businesses local to the disaster, which supports economic recovery.
Before collecting disaster donations, confirm the need with the local office of emergency management and remember:
Not everything is needed.
Used clothing is never needed.
Donations (and volunteers) will be needed for days, months, and even years following a disaster.
We need your help.
Click the (+) sign on the right for a drop-down description of each opportunity. These are our most-needed volunteer opportunities. Please note, state and regional leaders may vary based on your location and the needs of your community. Metro areas need multiple churches prepared to respond and share workload and volunteers, especially in a disaster. Our work is possible because of people like you. Discover the role that is right for you and join us today!
“Don’t forget to do good and share with those in need.”
“After Hurricane Laura hit, I partnered with my cousin, and we began collecting water, cooking food, and responding in any way we could. After I contacted Eastwind Pentecostal Church to use their location to cook food, Reach Out America offered to partner. With their help and support, we could secure space, supplies, logistical support, and trucks. Through ROA, we were able to partner with Exon-Mobile, British Petroleum, and Energy Center in Houston, and we were able to raise $150,000 worth of food that we cooked in several big trailers. We fed about 25,000 people over two weeks with much help and support from Reach Out America. I’m very impressed and blessed to partner with them. I’m excited to have this resource.”
Meet Daniel Crochet, A Reach Out America Volunteer
100% of Reach Out America's workforce are volunteers.
Mail a check or donate online
Transfer funds from your IRA
Donate stock
Put Reach Out America in your will
Choose your monthly gift amount, and enjoy hassle-free automated giving. Give by credit card or an ACH draft from your checking account.
Give an invaluable resource that meets someone’s immediate needs.
Organize a Kit-Bucket Assembly
Organize a fundraiser for Reach Out America
Get educated on disaster relief & collaborate
Advocate for just legislation and policies
Create a virtual fundraiser
Promote Reach Out events or posts
Share content from the ROA social media sites to encourage compassion
Help us make kits! Share the love.
Cleanup Buckets
VALUE: $75
One five-gallon bucket with resealable lid (if reused, please scrub clean. Do not use a bucket that has held chemicals of any kind. No screw lid. Advertisement on outside acceptable).
NEW - One 4-8 oz pump spray air freshener
Five scouring pads (no stainless steel or pads with soap in them. Remove from packaging)
Seven sponges, including one large
One scrub brush (with or without a handle)
18 reusable, lightweight multipurpose dry cleaning towels (no terrycloth, microfiber, or paper towels. Remove from packaging)
One 32-64 oz or two 25 oz bottle(s) of liquid laundry detergent
One 16-34 oz bottle of liquid disinfectant dish soap
One 12-40 oz bottle of liquid concentrate household cleaner that can be mixed with water (no spray bottles)
One package of 36-50 clothespins
One 50-100 ft clothesline (cotton or plastic line)
Five dust masks (N95 particulate respirator dust masks preferred; no surgical masks)
Two pairs of heavy-duty, waterproof dishwashing gloves (latex-free, non-surgical. Durable for multiple-use. Remove from packaging)
One pair of work gloves (cotton with leather palm or all leather)
20-28 heavy-duty or contractor-type 30-45 gallon trash bags on a roll (remove from packaging)
One 6-9 oz bottle of non-aerosol insect repellent (pump spray bottles must have protective covers. Packs of 10-20 insect repellent wipes are also acceptable)
All cleaning items must be new, and all liquid items must be capped and securely tightened. Please place all items into the bucket, ensuring they are packed securely to avoid damage during shipment. Snap the lid on tight and seal it with packing tape. Please do not enclose cash or checks inside the kits or the boxes.
Period Packs
VALUE: $14
One 1-gallon Ziploc bag
Two 2oz bottles of hand sanitizer
Three 4-gallon size bathroom trashbags
One travel pack of Wet Ones
Ten unscented tampons (5 regular, 5 super absorbency)
Ten unscented sanitary napkins (long super ultra-thin)
Ten unscented sanitary napkins (long super ultra-thin)
One bath-size soap in the original package (3 oz bar or larger. No Ivory or Jergen’s soap)
One pack of unscented flushable wipes - 42 count
Six laundry detergent sheets (place sheets in small Ziploc bag)
Place all items in the Ziploc bag, remove air, and seal. All items must be new. Do not enclose personal notes, money, or extra items in the kits.
Hygiene Kits
VALUE: $15
One 1-gallon Ziploc bag
One hand towel measuring 15” x 28” to 16”x32” (no fingertip, bath, dish, or micro-fiber towels)
One washcloth
One wide-tooth comb removed from the package (found at discount dealers like sallybeauty.com)
Must be sturdy with at least 6” of teeth
No pocket combs or picks
Rattail and combs without handles are acceptable
One fingernail or toenail clipper (either one is acceptable. Remove from packaging)
One bath-size bar of soap in the original package
One toothbrush in the original package
One unsealed toothpaste
Ten standard-size band-aids
All items must fit inside the Ziploc bag. Remove the excess air from the bag and seal it before boxing. Do not add any extra items.
Please send all monetary donations to cover shipping to: Reach Out America, P.O. BOX 16007, SUGARLAND, TX 77496
Shop Disaster Lists
We have created common disaster items needed on Amazon and partner with American Red Cross. You can choose what supplies you would like to contribute. It’s simple and easy to use, and you can customize your Amazon basket to your preference. 100% of the supplies purchased will be shipped directly to sites needing assistance. We will guide you to send supplies to the disaster we are involved in, or store supplies for the next disaster. Get involved now!
Reach Out America will provide a shipping address to the local church we are working with for you to send supplies to directly. Contact us for more info!
Host training for your region!
Invite us to your
Trainings, Conferences, or District Camps!